Friday, May 13, 2011



  1. I will not say anything

    That's quite a formidable bunch there. If I were Johnny, I'd be checking out other local hospitals STAT.

  2. @Suzy- Politics aside, there's probably a lot of money to be made from transplants. And to tell the truth, one of the reasons hospitals scare me is because I'm never sure if my priorities are the same as their priorities.

  3. I think my drivers' license has been waffling back and forth between organ donor and non-organ donor, depending on whether I feel like helping society, or being afraid of hospitals, at the time I'm renewing my license. LOL.

  4. @Suzy- I don't think hospitals are quite as eager to grab organs as shown in the cartoon, so I'm listed as a donor. And frankly, I'm even more afraid of the DMV than hospitals.

  5. Larry Niven wrote several scifi books dealing with the organ banks. Well, not the main story, but the motivation of survival for the main character.

  6. @Reiuxcat- It's been awhile since I've read Niven, but I always enjoyed him (he reminds me in some ways of Robert Heinlein). Keeping with the organ bank theme and sci-fi, you might also enjoy "Bug Jack Barron" by Norman Spinrad.

  7. Reiuxcat - "The long arm of Gil Hamiliton" - a collection of mysteries, "Jigsaw Man" a short where a guy is sentenced to the banks for running a stop sign, and "Gift From Earth" all jump to mind. One of my all time favorite authors.

    And yes, Stilt, like Heinlein, he posits a techno change, and writes about the effects on society.

  8. @Pete(Detroit)- I'll have to check out some of those works. What a literate group we have here!


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!