Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Pure of Heart


  1. @Readers- Sometimes I do a run of jokes between Johnny and a specific character, almost as if they'd be running consecutively in a daily paper (each one building on the last, a bit). Considering that I only post 3 times a week, do you like a recurring theme, or do you prefer having the characters and situations mixed up (like usual)?

    By the way, in case anyone thinks I was being lazy and using the same art twice, note that the angel is in a subtly different position in the third panel. Here at Johnny Optimism, quality is Job One.

  2. Old Fort Howard GuyAugust 24, 2011 at 1:17 PM

    I enjoy having situations mixed up from one post to the next, but you just can't beat a building theme that ends with a terrific punchline! Keep up the great work with Johnny Optimism and with Hope'n Change!

  3. Do both. Love the angel character.

  4. @Old Fort Howard Guy- Glad you're enjoying the strips! Some Johnny set-ups seem to lend themselves well to "one offs" which are best when stirred into the general mix. But every now and then, I'll come across a scenario that is fun to let build day by day (for instance, there's a series I haven't shown yet in which Gabriel comes to Johnny and is prepared to blow his there's a little urgency involved).

    @Earl- If you're happy, I'm happy. And by the way, that's really what angels look like. Johnny told me so, and he never lies. Although he does take some powerful medications...


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!