Monday, December 19, 2011



  1. Oooooh, that is RICH ! ! !

    ROFLOL ! ! !

    Maybe I'll print a copy of this and take it downstairs to the pharmacist in our clinic.

  2. Well, if you make the pills w/ toxic casings, eventually your customers will die, and not talk to the cops...

  3. @John Robert Mallernee- Only give it to the pharmacist if you're on really good terms with him...or if he doesn't have access to your medications (grin).

    @Stan da Man- It's not the customers so much as the detectives you've got to worry about. Or, uh, so I've heard.

  4. As you might expect, on seeing the comic strip, our pharmacist was shocked into a hearty laugh!

  5. @John Robert Mallernee- I'm glad to hear that! One of these days (if I ever find time), I'd like to collect the Johnny Optimism cartoons into a paperback book. I can't help but think that medical professionals would be a good audience (though they wouldn't want to leave the book in their waiting rooms!)

  6. This is great! I can totally see this taped up in pharmacies across the country... Love it.

  7. Doctor(?) Jarlsberg:

    I just now realized something - - - :

    I had always assumed that the initials, "M.D.", following your name stood for, "Doctor of Medicine".

    But, now, I think the initials, "M.D.", probably represent "Mirth Dispenser", or maybe, "Mayhem Designer"!

    Thank you.

    John Robert Mallernee
    Armed Forces Retirement Home
    Gulfport, Mississippi 39507

  8. @Suzy- I love the idea of pharmacists passing this one around. I wonder if there's a Facebook group I should be looking to invade...

    @John Robert Mallernee- the "M.D." can stand for whatever you'd like it to (and I think the suggestions you mentioned both seem pretty accurate!)

  9. And to think, I was up until 520 this morning, could not sleep at all. I'll have to check my conscience to see if there has been anything worrying me, like the cops tracking me down for something or other.

  10. @Glenn B- Well, sleepnessness doesn't always come from worrying about the cops finding you. It's perfectly possible to be kept awake worrying about alien abduction, too.

  11. It's the "probe" part of the alien abduction that worries me.

  12. @JustaJeepGuy- That's why it's so important to lube before bedtime. (I didn't just say that out loud, did I...?)


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!