Wednesday, January 11, 2012

In I Go


  1. Hey, I just noticed, that surgeon's a lefty. How common is THAT? I thought Lefties tended to be the more artsy / creative types, not the kind to put up w/ years of abuse that med school / surgical residency requires? Then again, I'm probably totally talking out of my ass here...

  2. Deja vu...that strange feeling you sometimes get that you've lived through something before...It's The Mind.

  3. @Shayne- If I was a surgeon, that's how I'd start every operation.

    @Stan da Man- Actually, many doctors are left-handed. That's why the writing on prescriptions is impossible to read.

    @Old Fort Howard Guy- I think your "Deja vu" remark was in reference to Stan da Man's comment showing up four times in a row (before I did a little custodial work). I'd like to think that he hit "send" four times by accident because he was laughing uncontrollably. Or maybe because he's left-handed (grin).

  4. @Dan- I do not think this punchline means what you think it means...

  5. Stilton,
    Do you mean that it's not a reference to The Princess Bride?

  6. Awesome. I love that movie.

    @Old Fort Howard Guy - didn't you just say that?

    ... As you wish ...

  7. @Dan- It's definitely a reference to the Princess was my joke that "I do not think it means what you think it means," which is what Inigo Montoya said of the oft-repeated word "inconceivable."

    @Chuck- I thought Peter Falk (as Grandpa) saying "As you wish" at the end was perfect and heartwarming.


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!