Monday, January 23, 2012



  1. Woody Allen plays jazz?
    Hope he's a better musician than he is a director. (and yes, per IMDB he's still married to Soon-Yi)

  2. I guess, to be fair, I can admit that as a director he's pretty good - his films ARE well made. It's as a WRITER that he sucks.

  3. @Pete(Detroit)- I wasn't sure how many people would get this, but for decades, Woody Allen has played jazz clarinet every Monday with a band in New York. The idea of the Angel Gabriel sitting in just seemed fun. If, perhaps, a bit dangerous.

  4. I suppose the Angel Gabriel has to do Hell duty at least once a week; playing jazz with Woody Allen probably qualifies for that!

  5. @Stilt, I'm one of those who knew Woody plays the clarinet with a jazz band every Monday.
    OT Woody trivia: he was an athlete in high school, throwing the javelin.
    I was kind of young then, but I remember looking forward to seeing Woody on the Ed Sullivan show in the early '60s.


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