Wednesday, February 22, 2012



  1. Ew. Only it should have been a dentist. I hate when dentists have bad breath. I guess they do it to get even with all the stinky mouths they have to peek in all day though.

  2. @Bobo- Well, that would explain the garlic.

    @Suzy- I agree that bad dental breath can make for a long time in the chair. But of course, with a dentist the Helen Keller joke wouldn't have worked.

  3. Just caught the earlier toon, about when someone dies, you always get a lotta cops! Great stuff!

  4. And here I was thinking the 'eye-talian' joke was a tad "taste-less." Silly me, leave it up to those mysterious herbs and spices.

    True Story - My Mom used to see Dr. Ivan Doctor, ophthalmologist.
    (Dr. I. Doctor)

    I used to like to think he had a brother, Mike (or Mark, or...) and they'd go to parties, and be introduced as "Dr. Doctor, and Mr. M.D." ... just the encouragable punster in me, I suppose...

  5. @Pryorguy- Glad you enjoyed it!

    @Pete(Detroit)- When I was a child, I went to Dr. Hurt. When I went to the dentist, he was helped by Nurse Payne. No wonder I've got an odd perspective on the medical profession.

    Regarding Dr. Doctor and Mr. M. D, you've forced me to call up "Good Lovin'" by the Young Rascals on iTunes. Sweet!


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!