Monday, June 25, 2012



  1. I would have used a tongue depressor, but that's just me. Martini purists would just shake it in a colostomy bag so as not to "bruise" the gin.

  2. Thanks Stilt, I'd always wondered about that - seems like a 'sound' policy to me.

    Seriously, how effing hard would it be to palm the damned thing for 30 sec and warm it up a bit? Or just not use the freezer as a sanitation device?

  3. After three martinis I do feel stirred, but in the morning I'm shakin'......

  4. @Angry Hoosier Dad- I think you've just invented the "colostotini."

    @Pete(Detroit)- It's all a money-making scheme; the doctor puts a frozen stethoscope on your chest, hears your startled heart racing "for some reason," and then writes you a prescription for heart meds.

    @TrickyRicky- It sounds like you're making the mistake of sobering up.

  5. @ Stilton:
    Whatever was invented, I'm not taking credit for it and I'm not volunteering to be the first to try it.

  6. @Angry Hoosier Dad- When drinking a martini from a colostomy bag, beware of the toast "Here's mud in your eye!"

    Odds are, that isn't mud...

  7. The colostotini has just a drop of chocolate liqueur in it for dramatic-effect.

  8. @Bobo,


    I wouldn't drink that through YOUR lips!

  9. Stilt, that explains angina man, I suppose.
    Bobo, Jeep - I have a lovely recipe for 'nutty mocha martini' that involves vodka, Kahlua, creme de cacoa, and Frangelico - delicious! (1.5:1:1:1, respectively)

  10. That wouldn't work for me. I avoid alcohol as much as I avoid coffee. And I avoid coffee like I avoid poison ivy, if not more.

  11. @JustaJeepGuy- I'm with you; I also avoid alcohol and coffee...if there's poison ivy in them.

  12. Dated an Ivy once - seemed a little fresh for one who claimed to be 'green' and gave me SUCH a rash...
    Have had a burning itch for red heads since...
