Wednesday, September 19, 2012



  1. The needle she is holding is worrying. Is she too drunk to use it without hurting herself or Johnny, and has she been using it on herself? I guess easy access to medication must be one of the perks of being a nurse.

  2. @Dobro Player - I'll drink to that! (is that you Jerry Douglas?)

  3. "Vodka is alcohol"
    Why yesh, yesh it ish... Now, have some nice Tomato Juice...

  4. @Dobro Player- I actually think this particular nurse is less dangerous when drinking, because there's at least the possibility that she'll pass out before doing any damage.

    @TrickyRicky- Cotton swabs for everyone, and make mine a double!

    @Stan da Man- The best Bloody Marys use real blood.

  5. Johnny would do better to have Lance lick his arm than subject himself to the nurse's saliva laced cotton ball. Fewer germs in a dog's mouth than a human's.

  6. @TrickyRicky- ha ha not quite, it will take me a long time to reach Jerry Douglas' skill level.

  7. AHD - I understand that technically that's not correct - the difference being that a HUMAN mouth has more HUMAN pathogens - the dog's mouth is more inclined to be loaded w/ Canine pathogens.
    Or something
    Have not seen any hard numbers, or research, but this info made sense to me (and is therefore probably wrong). In any event, all agree (again, that I'm aware of) that a HUMAN bite on a Human is FAR more dangerous than an equivalent bite from a non-venomous critter.

    Also kinda surprised that no one's been to the suddenly obvious 'cure for cottonmouth' gag...

    Stilt - real blood - IKKKKK!!!!

  8. @Angry Hoosier Dad- Odds are that Lance's saliva is also safer than whatever's in that syringe.

    @Dobro Player- I think you should team with an Oboe player for some gigs, because "Oboe Dobro Duo" is too good a name to waste.

  9. @ Stilton: Don't sneer at the Oboe and Dobro duo. I'm sure Mozart wrote a piece for that combination. I think it was a Rondo. Could be wrong. Might have been a dirge.

  10. @My Dog Brewski- Sneer?! Man, I'd lay down good money to hear an Oboe Dobro Duo! By the way, I just Googled "Oboe Dobro Duet" and found nothing, so I think I've identified a valuable musical niche here! My recommendation to Dobro Player - hit the studio quick to record that "Oboe Dobro Duo Christmas" album.


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!