Wednesday, October 17, 2012


johnny optimism, johnnyoptimism, medical humor, sick humor, sick jokes, medical jokes, stilton jarlsberg,wheelchair, dutch boy


  1. Love it, Stilton. Reminds me of the very old joke: What's green and ice skates? Peggy Phlegm.

  2. AHD - Wasn't she a famous Snazi? (Snot-see)

    As for Johnny's friend, he sounds like he works for an undertaker, what w/ all that coffin'...

  3. @Angry Hoosier Dad- That joke does go back a long way!

    @Stan da Man- With symptoms like his I'd go to a doctor, wooden shoe?

  4. I'm reminded omce again of the old Isaac Asimov story about humor being extraterrestrial in origin, and why puns make everyone groan...

  5. @ JustaJeepGuy:
    We groan because of the pain. But for most it's a good kind of pain; like pulling a thorn from your foot. I love puns and bad jokes because I tend to be a masochist. I like to beat my head against a wall because it feels so good to stop.

  6. @Dan Mathewson- You mean he's snot phlegmish?

    @JustaJeepGuy- I was unfamiliar with the Asimov work ("Jokester") until I looked it up just now. Great stuff!

    @My Dog Brewski- The groan is an interesting and seemingly universal reaction to a pun. Maybe the actual pleasure comes from wiping our mental blackboards clean of a painfully strained word association.


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!