Monday, October 1, 2012


johnny optimism, johnnyoptimism, medical humor, sick humor, sick jokes, medical jokes, stilton jarlsberg,wheelchair, medical book


  1. "Me know how. Me wanna know who."

  2. It took me a couple of seconds before I got the joke, and roared my laughter.

    Thus, I have copied and posted it on my own web site, attributing proper credit to Dr. Jarlsberg, and providing links back to his web sites.

  3. @Bobo- I believe that's a quote from Chief Running Gag.

    @John Robert Mallernee- This particular punchline sort of sneaks up on you. Hopefully everyone will "get it" eventually!

  4. Like John Robert, I had a brief "erru?" moment, then literally LOL. Nice one!
    I am reminded of the scene from "The Outlaw Josey Wales" where Clint Eastwood's young associate gets shot, and dies. Clint's all bummed, "Seems like when I start to like someone, they're not around very long." The Indian replies "I notice that when you NOT like someone, they're not around very long either."

  5. Anon, above, was me - stupid posting process...

  6. Now that's laugh-out-loud funny!

  7. I saw this cartoon this morning and didn't get it. I just looked at it again and it finally hit me and I did indeed laugh out loud!

  8. @JustaJeepGuy- This cartoon is like one of those old stereogram images that you just have to stare at until the 3D picture finally snaps into view.

    And I particularly liked this cartoon because brevity really is the soul of I was pleased by the extreme minimalism of the dialogue.

  9. I groan with delight at these awful jokes. You must be a hoot at dinner parties, Stilton.

  10. @Angry Hoosier Dad- The problem is so many odd little things strike me as funny that I think people suspect I'm just nuts.


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!