Monday, October 8, 2012

New Kid

johnny optimism, johnnyoptimism, medical humor, sick humor, sick jokes, medical jokes, stilton jarlsberg,wheelchair, muppets, muppetitis


  1. They wanted Miss Piggy to host a telethon for that but she went to Hawaii on vacation and accidentally wandered into a luau. Sad.

  2. Muppetitis - that funny feeling of walking around w. someone's had up your ass?

  3. Muppetitis is tearing this country apart. Please contribute as much as you can. The child we save from turning into Oscar the Grouch could be yours.

  4. Oscar's gone - apparently they canned him. Also Cookie Monster, clearly modelling sugar addict / bulimic behavior, and he was retired. Or so I've been told.

    Meanwhile - Get Off My Lawn!

  5. @My Dog Brewski- "An apple? For MOI?!"

    @Stan da Man- You're getting ahead of my punchlines (see Wednesday's toon).

    @Dan Mathewson- A nightmare that only massive amounts of money can stop.

    @Pete D- And it turn out that Elmo was just a dyslectic mole.

  6. Stilt - I can dig it...

  7. @Dan Mathewson- "A nightmare that only massive amounts of money can stop." - that and another expensive, cumbersome government bureaucracy
