Friday, December 21, 2012


Johnnyoptimism, johnny optimism, medical humor, sick jokes, stilton jarlsberg, wheelchair, doctor jokes, medical book girl, death girl, chicken pox, worms


  1. When I was a kid I ate so much that my parents always said I must have a hollow leg......turned out to be a tapeworm.

  2. @TrickyRicky- I like to think of a tapeworm as an "internal pet."

  3. Not a very popular topic today Stilton. Oh well, whenever I think of worms I always harken back to grade school history when they taught us about the Diet Of Worms. Now that was a hoot. Do they still teach history in grade school?

  4. @TrickyRicky- I don't think a lack of comments means that the topic isn't popular...just that people feel that the topic has been sufficiently covered without additional discussion. Or maybe they're just grossed out.

    As for what kids are taught in grade school these days, I have no idea. Most of what they'd consider "history" has happened since I was of school age.
