Wednesday, May 8, 2013


johnny optimism, johnnyoptimism, medical humor, wheelchair, sick jokes, stilton jarlsberg, bullies, school nurse, youtube


  1. What an accurate and depressing assessment of our so-called society. Just wait until the Google Glass becomes ubiquitous.

  2. He's already had over 200 hits!

  3. @TrickyRicky- When Google Glasses become ubiquitous, more people will be able to quickly look up the word "ubiquitous."

    @Stan da Man- I see what you did there.

  4. TrickyRicky and Stan da Man need their own blogs. Or their own late night talk show. I swear that the comments are half the fun for this webcomic!

  5. @Gladorn and Velcro
    Very kind of you to say, but all I can take credit for is an occasional knock off comment that is merely a reflection of the real creativity and wit inherent in Stilton's cartoons.

    Cheers and best wishes to Stilt

  6. +1 to TrickyRicky - Stilt's work is so good the riffs are easy. Thanks for saying, tho.
    And I'd HAPPILY write for any of those late night guys - Leno might even use it...

  7. One obvious question is: Who posted the video? The bullies, or the nurse? (I doubt it was Johnny, although to some folks, fame is fame, whatever it takes)

  8. @Readers- I actually sold a joke to Jay Leno once and it appeared on the Tonight Show. I still have the $50 check, framed and uncashed.

    That being said, you guys ARE funny and it really adds to the sense of silly community we've got here!

    @seybernetx- I'm thinking the school posted the video, probably on their existing "Johnny" channel. They probably get enough money from ad revenue to keep the bar in the teachers lounge stocked.


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!