Monday, October 21, 2013


johnnyoptimism, johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick jokes, cartoon, wheelchair, stilton jarlsberg, tickles, clown, pen pal, std, scary clown


  1. Do y'all remember John Wayne Gacy?

    Tickles, the clown, sort of reminds me of John Wayne Gacy, and who also enjoyed performing as a clown, and who, on one occasion, was photographed with President Carter's wife, and who, prior to his execution, painted pictures of clowns.

    Anyway, I've copied and posted this on my own personal web site, "OUR ETERNAL STRUGGLE", giving Dr. Jarlsberg full credit, complete with a link to the "JOHNNY OPTIMISM" web site.

  2. @ John Robert Mallernee - John Wayne hit that nail right on the head. Now I know why Tickles has creeped me out so badly.

  3. Exactly!
    Ergo all the "crawlspace" (or creepy-crawlspace) comments over the years.

    Jeffery - Hey, you want to come over for a BBQ?
    John - Sounds good, I'll bring a friend!

    Some high school kid did a project and interviewed Gacy in prison, for a while (like a year?) before he was executed, a local readio station played the tapes in installments some years back. Seriously creepy stuff.

    In Re "pen pal" - hey Johnny, I think he means something different by 'pal' as well... buddy....

  4. @ Pete - Tickles moniker while in the pen was Bob, short for "Bend Over Buddy."

  5. @John Robert Mallernee- John Wayne Gacy is definitely a conscious influence in my depiction of "Tickles the Clown." Lots of people were scared of clowns before Gacy...but afterwards, pretty much everyone is scared.

    @TrickyRicky- He does get under your skin, doesn't he? Granted, he uses a rusty blade...

    @Pete(Detroit)- Yeah, every now and then Tickles mentions his basement, chains, and quicklime...all of which are tipoffs that he has some unsavory hobbies (or fantasies).

    @Bobo- I think using playful nicknames helps solidify the sense of goodnatured camaraderie when in the joint.

  6. Putting a comma between "pen" and "pal" in the second panel also works.


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