Friday, November 1, 2013

High Powered

johnny optimism, johnnyoptimism, medical, humor, surgeon, laser, stilton jarlsberg, sick jokes

Oops- I was a little late posting today. Sorry about that!


  1. Now, now, Dr - please stay focused..

  2. @Pete(Detroit)- Since I did a special post for Halloween, I just spaced out the fact that I'd still need a cartoon for Friday. I'll make a note to myself to watch out for the same Thurs/Fri phenomenon for Thanksgiving!

  3. @Pete(Detroit)- I know I've heard something like that before....Laser-like focus, yeah, that's the ticket.

  4. Treecky Reecky... methinks you are casting ASS-persions on the limp-wrist-in-cheef. He can't defend himself... that's why he married a Wookiee!!

  5. All Apols, Stilt - did NOT mean to imply that YOU were the Dr losing his focus, that was actually intended to be directed at the surgeon...

    And yes, TR, that was exactly the link I wanted to remind people of.


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!