Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year - 2014

johnny optimism, johnnyoptimism, stilton jarlsberg, medical, humor, doctor, sick, jokes, wheelchair, boy and his dog, new year


  1. If Johnny is lucky, his hospital is in Colorado.

    Of course, this means the next few episodes will have the J.O. players blazed out of their minds... Wait, maybe we won't notice the difference.

  2. Now THAT is a "Seasoned Citizen!"

  3. @Gladorn- The only difference will be that the comic strip will be repeatedly interrupted by pizza deliverymen.

    @Stan da Man- Okay, that's officially the pun of the year. So far, at least.

  4. If that bag of "herbs" was in THIS state, it would give you the "munchies".


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!