Monday, June 16, 2014


johnny optimism, medical, humor, hospital, doctor, nurse, sick, jokes, thermometer


  1. The main problem may be that Nurse Ratched keeps mixing up the thermometers ...

    Run, Johnny, run!


  2. Haven't you run this one before Stilt? I seems awfully familiar....or maybe repressed memories from my childhood are starting to emerge.

  3. @Westheim- Perhaps the punchline should have been "this tastes funny."

    @TrickyRicky- I don't think I've run it before, but I'll admit that my clerical work on these cartoons is sort of hazy - and it's not impossible that I'd accidentally run a cartoon again or create the same (or similar) punchline twice.

    Annoyingly (for me, anyway) I just name the cartoons based on some word in the text - and as a result, it's nearly impossible for me to track down a specific cartoon on my hard drive after the fact.

  4. Some A-hole's got my pencil!

  5. I know a "thermometer joke" punchline: "Okay, Doc, but when you pull it out, it better have numbers on it!"


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!