Monday, September 1, 2014


johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, doctor, time, hospital


  1. Rosemary might help to spice things up if she could be convinced to leave her baby alone.

  2. I think I see where Johnny's leading with his questions about the medical benefits of certain herbs...

  3. @Anon & Wahoo-Can't add a thing.

  4. @Anonymous- The devil you say!

    @Wahoo- I've probably been missing a bet by not giving Johnny access to medicinal weed yet. This will bear additional thought...

    @TrickyRicky- In other words, you've gone from the "Scarborough Faire" reference in the cartoon to "The Sounds of Silence" in the comments?

  5. But I am in a Mrs. Robinson state of mind.

  6. I bet Barry is thinking there must be fifty ways to leave your lover *eg, Just hop on Air Force One, son").

  7. @Wahoo- I'm leaving your comment up because of the Paul Simon song reference, but let me remind you nicely that I prefer to avoid political remarks on this blog (whereas pretty much anything goes over at Hope n' Change).

    Johnny O is actually my escape from politics, because I find illness and death less depressing (grin).

  8. Point taken. And, just for the record, Johnny's helper monkey cracks me up every time I see it.

  9. @Wahoo- No harm done, and glad you like the helper monkey (I do too!) BONUS: he's paying a visit here on Friday!


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!