Friday, October 10, 2014


Johnny Optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, stilton jarlsberg, hide, seek, snail boy


  1. While Johnny could help his chances by placing salt in a circle around snail boy's shell, Lance would auto-win if he were to hide upstairs...

  2. Glad to see snail boy is still with us after almost being mistaken as the appetizer by drunk French actor Gerard Depardieu.

  3. So, he's planning a career in public office?
    (yeah, I know the rules, kill it if it's over the line, please!)

  4. @Westheim- Man, you really believe in extreme hide and seek...

    @Wahoo- It was a close call. Snail boy still smells of garlic butter.

    @Stan da Man- Nah, you're fine. It's okay to slime politicians as a group as long as you don't single out individuals or parties.

  5. Not to be outdone by drunk French actor Gerard Depardieu, who claims to drink 18 bottles of wine a day, I'm well on my way to getting to the bottom of my first bottle--only 17 more to go. Pray for me.

  6. The last gal I dated smelled like garlic butter...maybe I'll give her a call tonite, in the wee hours, if I'm still going after my Columbus Day pledgw to match drunk French actor Gerard Depardieu's daily quota of cheap wine intake.


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!