Monday, August 24, 2015


johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, birthday, umbrella, gorilla, liar, indiana

Readers- There's a bit of backstory to today's cartoon. When I was very young (maybe 6 or 7), my younger sister would sometimes chase my brothers and me in our Indiana backyard, swinging a croquet mallet and declaring herself to be the "UM-berella" (because she couldn't say "gorilla"). We'd make a great show of running in panic and climbing into the branches of our big apple tree while she'd wait below, clutching her wooden hammer, trying to look as gruff as an adorable little girl can look, while repeating "UM-berella! UM-berella!"

Sadly, my sister is no long with us - though happily, she raised three wonderful kids who now have families of their own. Today would have been her birthday, and remembering the "UM-berella" made me smile. I hope it does the same for you.  -Stilton


  1. My sincere condolences Stilton. It's always tough to have lost one very close to us, but it's a blessing when the fine memories can outweigh the sadness.

  2. @TrickyRicky- Thank you. It's also a great comfort to see how much of my sister survives in her kids and grandkids.

  3. Nice story. The 'toon reminds me of when I was riding my bike on greenbelt/bayou trail over by Houston Medical Center. I was coming up behind one of those wheelchair marathon guys and as I got near asked if he wanted to race that thing? The guy ran off and left me.

  4. Nice to know the back story - when there is one. Even without it, your brand of humor suits me well. Thanks.

  5. @Rod- Wait, he ran off?!

    @Keith- I'm glad you enjoy the offbeat humor here; I do a lot of things creatively, but Johnny Optimism probably best represents my worldview and mordant sense of humor.

  6. Picky picky; but that's you. Yeah; like refrigerators run, cars run, women run... that wheelchair athlete ran off like crazy. It was funny.

  7. Hi Stilt, Gotta love those funny family stories and fond memories. Thanks for sharing with us. So sorry about your sister.

  8. I'm sorry to hear of your loss.

    Thank you for sharing such a special memory with us. You and yours will be in our prayers.

  9. @SC- It's a happy memory. Somewhat goofy too.

    @Gladorn- Thanks for the nice sentiments. My sister has been gone for quite a few years now, so the pain of loss isn't sharp so much as deep. And so much of her survives in her kids and grandkids that it's a great comfort to me.


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!