Monday, January 2, 2017


johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg,  new year, 2017, narcolepsy, times square


  1. OMG! My sister is narcoleptic - gotta send this one to her. Thanks for the most awesomest entry (yeah, I know "awesomest" isn't a word ... or is it?)

  2. @Bobo the Hobo- I've never known any actual narcoleptics (albeit plenty of epileptics). Be sure to mention to your sister that the strip is actually intended with love.

  3. I've got narcolepsy and insomnia...what day is it?

  4. Now that there's funny.
    Have 'im hold a sparkly ball next year.

    Does my falling asleep after meals count?
    How about my little brother who used to fall asleep head-first into his spaghetti? Used to freak-out babysitters (I think Mom had them fix spaghetti on purpose because of that).

  5. @Stilton - my sister is totally cool with her condition. She has a great sense of humor and got the biggest laugh out of this strip. Thanks again for this one!

  6. @TrickyRicky- Sounds like a bad case of oxymoron syndrome.

    @DougM- By any chance was one of those babysitters Bill Cosby...?

    @Bobo the Hobo- Glad to hear it went over well! So to speak.


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!