Friday, February 10, 2017


johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, guardian angel, every sparrow that falls, god, banana peels


  1. I was thinking more along the lines of a tiny snake and equally diminutive apple.....

  2. TR - NOICE!!!
    Or, the snake gets a bit hungry for some fresh sparrow....

    *I* figured he (the sparrow) had been pushed by a crab.
    Who was there for the tiny apples, of course...

  3. @TrickyRicky- It depends on whether you're talking about theology or sight gags.

    @Stan da Man- The idea that Adam and Eve might have sampled the apple (wink-wink, nudge-nudge) and gotten crabs could perk up a lot of sermons!

  4. God does have a sense of humor after all. Just take a look at an aardvark if you don't believe it.

    @Stan da Man,
    ...and the crab apple was forever cursed by God to be smaller than normal apples.

  5. @Colby Muenster- Your remark about God's sense of humor reminds me of a formative incident in my life. When I was quite young (8 or so?) I attended Weekday Religious Education, and had to write a weekly prayer as an assignment. Mine came back with an "F" on it (pretty harsh for a prayer) because I'd included a joke in it. The instructor wrote in bold red letters GOD DOES NOT HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR!

    I thought to myself "How could I have more of ANYthing than God does?" after which I came to the conclusion (which has stayed with me) that just because someone is a grown-up and in a position of authority doesn't mean they aren't full of excrement.

  6. @Stilton: reminds me of when I was in first grade and the nun gave me a "D" on a coloring assignment. I thought I did a pretty good job on it, but the grade stifled any future artistic ability to the point I can't draw a straight line WITH a ruler. ;-)

  7. @Bobo- In college I took a creative writing class...and got the lowest grade because the (ahem) "teacher" and I could never agree on writing theory. I gave up creative writing for a year or so after that, but eventually made it my life's work. As far as I know, I'm the only student that teacher ever had who successfully made it as a writer. 40+ years later, I still hate her.


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!