Monday, November 6, 2017


johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, daylight saving time, church couple

We hate Daylight Saving Time and, no matter what else anyone says, we lose an hour of sleep and feel jet-lagged for two weeks whether it's Spring or Fall.


  1. Being a skier and having lived in Colorado off and on my entire life, I don't mind the cold and snow at all. I cannot abide the total darkness at 4:30-5:00PM. I find myself thinking I should be in bed, and it's only 7:00PM. The interval from now until winter solstice is utterly depressing.

  2. I have NEVER understood where the projected 'savings' come in - you can run the lights in the am, or the pm.. same lights, right? And Dad always grumped that DST made it darned difficult to get kids to sleep at a reasonable hour during the summer.
    OTOH, it's nice to be able to play golf until nearly 10pm those few weeks in high summer...

  3. @TrickyRicky & Pete (Detroit)- Yeah, last night I was ready to hit the sack at 7pm, then I woke at 1:15 am and finally had to get up at 4:30 rather than try to force a couple more hours in. My body clock is completely effed up and I feel like tossing my cookies. And I know this will go on for days. Bah, humbug!

  4. The only thing accomplished by returning to standard time, as far as I'm concerned, is it now gets dark sooner leaving less time in the evening to do anything outdoors. Since DST already spans the majority of the year (7 months compared to 5 for ST) why not just make it year round ... or leave it at ST year round, I really don't care: just stop inducing jet-lag twice a year for no logical reason at all.

  5. Simplify things and move to Arizona, where we stay on MST year-round (except on the rez) Hawaii does likewise because the length of their daytime does not vary widely from season to season.

    From my previous life in one of the other states, that one hour instant earlier darkness is a bummer!!!


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!