Monday, May 21, 2018


johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, epilepsy, pepe, seizure, wellbutrin, plmd, restless leg, shakin' all over

Behind the scenes: there really IS such a video because I just posted it (though am not making the link public in the interest of good taste - which is a rarity for me).

And I'm definitely not making fun of people with seizure disorders; rather, the person in the video is me and I'm recording footage of conscious night time seizure activity I've been having recently (probably a side effect of a medication I'm discontinuing) in order to have documentation for my doctors.

But adding music to the video was done, as Pepe says above, strictly for style points. (grin)


  1. Here 'tis:

    That was when I was in the Eighth Grade at Bassett Junior High School in El Paso, Texas.

    My folks hated Rock 'n' Roll music, but I loved it!

    I still do.

    Look for my own homemade amateur video recordings at the You Tube web site.

    Here's the URL for my channel:

    Gosh, gee whillikers, seizures are nothing to fool around with.

    Physician, do NOT try to heal thyself!

    (or diagnose thyself, either!)

    Get an objective opinion (or three) from a dispassionate medical source.

    Do it NOW ! ! !

  2. @John Robert Mallernee- Great song! And of course, that's the version I used in my video. And I'll look forward to checking out your Youtube postings!

    I'm taking my odd condition quite seriously (although I'm not really worried) and am dealing with my doctor and a neurologist. An MRI already suggests nothing weird happening in my head (well, nothing weirder than usual) and in a week or two I'll have an EEG.

    It's 95% likely that this is a side effect from some medicine that I've now been told to stop taking, so I'm hoping my nocturnal shenanigans will peter out on their own soon. But rest assured I'm doing everything through doctors - and thanks for your concern!

  3. I don't want to be too contrary, but I think I prefer the version by The Who better than the one JRM posted. But that's just me.

  4. @JustaJeepGuy- I like The Who version just fine (Live at Leeds, right?) but it was longer than I needed. And frankly, the old school version worked perfectly with the video. My arm starts flailing along with the guitar solo - sweet!

  5. Stilt - as I recall, you like me, have a family member who has had some "shaky" medical issues in the past. I hope everything resolves with time.

  6. @Anonymous- Actually both my wife and daughter have epilepsy. Oddly, their's are both under control and I'M the one having mini-seizures. And yes, I'm certainly hoping this resolves in's not a big deal, but it IS disruptive of sleep.


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!