Monday, August 13, 2018


johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, old woman, kids, hearing aids


  1. That's what my great grand kids check first thing when they come over. "Do you have your hearing aids on?" And I always answer with "Huh, you talking to me?"

  2. @Fred Ciampi- Well played! I'm currently breaking in a new pair, which is what inspired this cartoon.

  3. My aging father steadfastly refuses to use modern high tech hearing aids and I think he's well beyond them doing him any good now; but as a more tolerable step when really needed I did try a "personal amplifier". As soon we had it working pretty good, the first thing he told me was "I don't need this"; and that was that.

  4. Lord, how I love the aging process. NOT

  5. @Rod: Up until two years ago, I was one of those too stubborn to get hearing aids. When I finally got them, I could not believe how bad my hearing really was. (I did have a suspicion though). Anyone on the fence about them should go for an exam and you may be tremendously grateful, as am I.

  6. A running debate around here between the DH and I has been (me) You mumble! and (him) You are going deaf!
    So I went in for a hearing test. Turns out I hear better than most women my age!
    He mumbles. I won.


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!