Wednesday, November 28, 2018


johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, christmas, urethra, urology, decorations


  1. Is the urethra a tribute to the great Ms. Franklin?

  2. @sergio- you beat me to it. What are you doing awake at 12:15? As my late, great Dad used to try to tell me, nothing good happens after midnight.

  3. I did have a doctor tell me that I have a cute angina. It made me blush. I didn't know it showed.

  4. Yeah, I got Nutt'n... and it pisses me off...

  5. @Sergio @Ricky: Great minds think alike. It's catch as catheter can around here... ;-)

  6. @M.MITCHELL MARMEL: As a lovely young femme fatale once told me, "great minds think alike -- but fools seldom differ"

  7. @Sergio- There was no finer talent on Earth than Aretha Franklin, but I never heard her name without thinking "Urethra." That's my fault, not hers.

    @TrickyRicky- Nothing good happens after midnight that you can talk about...

    @Sortahwitte- It's the little hair ribbon that makes it so adorable.

    @Stan da Man- I see what you did there (grin).

    @M. Mitchell Marmel- I knew I was opening the floodgates today. So to speak.

    @Sergio- Catchy!


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!