Friday, January 17, 2020


johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, senior couple, church, remembrance service, memory, senior moments


  1. "I've got the Edsel...and Madge has the DeSoto..."

  2. Hot coffee shooting out of one’s nose first thing isn’t a pleasant experience ... but at least my sinuses are squeaky clean!

  3. Maybe a sermon about Uber next Sunday?

  4. Jussst walkin' around the parking lot, key fob in my pocket. Pressing the button and listening for the horn...

  5. In their defense,
    most of 'em were driven there by the church's bus service;
    but old Ray, the driver, keeps forgetting to come drive everybody back home.

  6. Actually, Stilt,
    that's not joke I wanted to use;
    but I can't seem to remember it

  7. 3M, I've owned three 1955 De Soto's and never forgot where any of them were. Of course I owned them between 1966 and 1990, but what the hey. BTW, I've heard that the 1958 Edsel was designed by a Gynecologist... is that true?

  8. @M. Mitchell Marmel- The classics are always in style.

    @Bobo the Hobo- Think of the boogers in your coffee as tiny marshmallows in your hot chocolate. Or better yet, don't think that.

    @TrickyRicky- "Uber: Comin' Fo to Carry You Home!"

    @rickn8or- Been there, done that. The tough part is trying to look like you're not lost.

    @DougM- So you're suggesting that the parishioners who don't want to drive will bow their heads and say "Let us Ray"? (Speaking of transportation, that was a long way for me to go to get to not much of a punchline!)

    @Bruce Bleu- It's true. The 58 Edsel is the only car that, when serviced, goes up on stirrups rather than the rack.

  9. Stilton, years ago I met Gary Owens, from LA radio fame and Laugh In, (Live, from beautiful downtown Burbank...), and he was the quickest wit I had ever met, but YOU... rival him in how quickly and cogently you respond to comments here... you may be the new benchmark for wittiness!


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!