Wednesday, March 11, 2020


johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, veterinarian, care, patients, attached, death


  1. Dr. Kildare, Dr. Ben Casey, Marcus Welby MD... I'm guessing Johnny's doctor has never heard of any of those guys.

  2. He HAS, however heard of Dr. Len Frankenstone, Young Doctor Chilled-Aire, and the Evil Scientist (BOO)...

  3. My wife, who worked in the medical profession for years always maintained that the M.D. actually stood for Medical Deity. In the worst cases, Mega Dickhead.

  4. @JustaJeepGuy- Those of us who HAVE heard of those doctors are dying like flies (grin).

    @M. Mitchell Marmel- The names of the greats can never be forgotten.

    @TrickyRicky- That sounds about right.

  5. @ TrickyRicky: You're a lucky man. Your wife seems level-headed with a good sense of humor. And she had a good job. [grinning]

  6. My friend just lost his medical license. All those years of study, all the years spent building up a thriving practice, all the staff who faithfully worked for him ... gone. You have a sexual encounter with just one patient, and you're done. People have no leniency or understanding these days. I tell ya, it's really tough being a veterinarian.

  7. The outpatients are out in force tonight, I see, good! Now...
    I'm sure you're all aware that this week is National Gall
    Bladder Week, and so as sort of an educational feature at
    this point I thought I would acquaint you with some of the
    results of my recent researches into the career of the late
    Doctor Samuel Gall, inventor of the gall bladder, which
    certainly ranks as one of the more important technological
    advances since the invention of the joy buzzer and the dribble

    Dr. Gall's faith in his invention was so dramatically vindicated
    last year, as you no doubt recall, when, for the first time
    in history in a nationwide poll, the gall bladder was voted
    among the top ten organs.

    His educational career began, interestingly enough, in
    agricultural school, where he majored in animal husbandry,
    until they... caught him at it one day... whereupon he switched
    to the field of medicine, in which field he also won renown as
    the inventor of gargling, which prior to that time had been
    practiced only furtively by a remote tribe in the Andes who
    passed the secret down from father to son as part of their
    oral tradition.

    -Tom Lehrer

  8. @Drew458= Wool, all I can say is that is a really baaahhhhd story. I would be a little sheepish about telling it.

  9. Had a vet in out homebrew club, 'Dr Skip'...
    We also had an MD. When they met, 'Brain, may i introduce you to Dr Skip...' What kind of Dr are you?' A Veternarian... 'I'm an MD' "oh, so you're only qualified to work on just the one species, then?'
    Everyone laughed. Dr Brain had a sense of humor.
    He also made Kumis - fermented milk. It's almost as tasty as it sounds...

  10. My wife's (former) NP told her the same thing: She said she should have been a veterinarian, because she likes animals better than most people...

  11. Unknown - Most dogs are better people than most people. Then again, so are most cats. And cats are DICKS...


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!