Friday, June 5, 2020


johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, looters, lute, monty python, minstrel, madrigal, riots, medical book

Readers- You're not having a deja vu. I accidentally posted this cartoon on Wednesday for a few hours before rescheduling it back to Friday.


  1. Hey, anyone can make a mistake. Forget about it. Keep up the good work.

  2. I think you should post it once a month.

  3. I commented on this 'toon when it was first posted, but have no idea what I said. I mean it is two days later, right? Mustn't have been that good. It's not my Bidenitis setting in.

  4. @Keith- Oh, I wasn't worried about it. I just didn't want anyone to think they were going nuts.

    @Kent Whitehead- I see what you did there!

    @M. Mitchell Marmel- Is Midol even still a thing? Okay, I just checked and it is. Maybe I was thinking of Carter's Little Liver Pills, as I so often do...

    @TrickyRicky- I'm sure your earlier comment was delightful. I compounded my screw-up by not transplanting the existing comments (I'd accidentally nuked them before thinking about it).

  5. Well since I didn't see it the first time it's more of a case of Vujà Dé for me

  6. Could he play a few bars of "A Wand'ring Menstrual, I"?

  7. You're gettin' luthier and luthier, period

  8. M3 - that pun would foul a well...

    "And his penis split, and his tongue cut out"
    /Ballad of Sir Robin... (Seriouly!)
    It was a harsh winter, they had to eat Robin's mistrals. And there was much rejoicing!

  9. @TrickyRicky: You'll think of it when trying to remember something else you forgot. Those brain synapses are just taking a nap; not dead yet. It's a "mature" adult thing. [grin]

  10. @Readers- Good times! And glad the Monty Python reference was caught!


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!