Friday, July 24, 2020


johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, lab rat, coronavirus, masks, six feet


  1. No, Lowell George and Bill Payne had Little Feat. Oh, wait.

  2. @MMM- Well done. A great band indeed, and a big influence on Robert Palmer.

    Please keep those damn rats away from me. They make me think of Winston Smith.

  3. See?
    Now this is why I don't understand why some folks say the metric system is superior.
    This joke can't even exist in that universe

  4. @Doug:

    Well, a centimeter has 100 feet, and a millimeter has 1000 feet, right?

    Or am I just buggy? ^.^


  5. Well, I've known guys who thought that this distance
    was six inches...


  6. Ooooh, that was supposed to say "I've known OF guys who say...."

  7. As far as Little Feat goes, I preferred Edgar Winter and the White Trash Band back in the day. Maybe even Fleetwood Mac. Ah, I'm old after all. Thanks all.

  8. @M. Mitchell Marmel- It does get confusing, doesn't it?

    @TrickyRicky- Or Willard!

    @DougM- And that's why, when it comes to humor, the United States is the undisputed liter.

    @M. Mitchell Marmel- Oh great, now my skin is crawling.

    @JustaJeepGuy- Glad you got that "of" in there...

    @ringgo1- Back when music was music, gol' dang it!


  9. @ringgo1,

    I presume you're referring to the original Fleetwood Mac, when Peter Green was still with them.

  10. Stilt,
    *groan* …as I just just stere off into the distance


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!