Friday, October 2, 2020


johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, tickles, clown, scary clown, football player, go long


  1. Ixnay on the child molester humor fay.


  2. I agree that child molester "humor" is always inappropriate, which is why I never share any of the clown comic strips.

    As for today's comic strip, even though I've been a soldier, a police officer, a firefighter-EMT, and been in numerous foreign lands all over the world, I don't even know what is meant by, "GO LONG!", when used in a sexual context.

  3. @JRM- It's when you are trying to think of batting averages to postpone the inevitable.

    @Stilton- please don't banish Tickles, he's one of the creepiest cartoon characters ever.

  4. Thank heavens for word balloons. I'm just sayin'.

  5. Tickles may have an alter ego... "Mister Stiffy", similar to Joe Biteme's AE, Mister Sniffy.

  6. @Anonymous- I consider such strips to be a warning about the danger of clowns.

    @John Robert Mallernee- In my mind, which is nowhere anyone should really want to be, Tickles has taken the instruction to "go long" as an invitation to redirect blood to a certain part of his anatomy. It's a weird and unsettling punchline, and I blame everything on the clown.

    @TrickyRicky- Oh, Tickles isn't going anywhere. I do, however, try not to overuse his creepiness.

    @M. Mitchell Marmel- Usually the only balloons that go down there are marked "Trojan."

    @Bruce Bleu- The idea of Tickles having an even creepier alter ego is genuinely frightening...

  7. Although I am not AND never have been a “tickles”, I think the cartoons puts a decent look at how a child molester may turn simple common words and sayings into something dirty in their mind. In my opinion, they are AB-Normal in thoughts, words & deeds which I find an interesting study in behavior.


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!