Wednesday, August 10, 2022


johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, microscope, monkeypox, banana peels


  1. Don't want to step on know where that other foot is.

  2. Where's Johnny's service monkey when you need him?

  3. I guess Stilton is having hard times...there are hearing aid ads, ear wax removal ads, T shirt ads...even one when I entered the comments (or was that when I entered JO) ... sneaky ads like on those movie download sites where you end up with malware, a virus, or a Trojan (are those still around?). I don't begrudge SJ making a buck, but the flavor of the site has changed; I wonder when Johnny's wheelchair will be wearing an ad like taxis have...maybe sponsors like on PBS? (This episode of Johnny Optimism brought to you by Marvin and Sylvia Bilcheck) :)
    I am a loyal fan of all sites Jarlsberg...just sayin'. I'd rather do fundraisers like on DBD, than have to see ear wax in technicolor...

  4. @TrickyRicky- Caution is indeed warranted!

    @DougM- I already gave him a monkeypox joke a couple of weeks ago, but since monkeypox looks here to stay maybe we should hear from him again!

    @Gee M- Sorry about the ads and I should probably just get rid of them. They don't bring in much money and I mostly just have them there in hopes that Google will make the site easier to find if I'm hosting some Google ads here. And that's the funny thing - I don't select the ads, Google does. Not only that, but they choose the ads differently for each reader based on their algorithms for YOU. Which doesn't mean they're necessarily accurate, but may indicate that you or someone in your household recently did a search on something hearing or ear related.

    When I look at the ads on the page right now I see something about a digital DVR which I'd once Googled. If I refresh the page, CPAP items and home cleaning services (both of which I've looked at on the Internet lately), and so on and so on. For a short while, Google gave me a bunch of ads from a skimpy swimsuit company. Good times!

  5. I will always be a loyal fan...but yes...there is that insidious Google critter tracking our every (commercial) move...I always use DuckDuckGo so my personal searches, including the funny undies (don't ask), don't show up EVERYWHERE.
    BTW...I live alone, and have not done any searches for any of that...go figure.

  6. @Gee M- Since the algorithm didn't have anything to go on, maybe it just picked out a random keyword from one of my cartoons - although Earwax Girl hasn't appeared for awhile.

  7. There's that cents a yuma I know and least my search for Mushnik and Sons didn't show up (I wanted to send my ex some flowers).


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!