Friday, December 2, 2022


 johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, tickles, clown, creepy clown, clown college, fraternity, car


  1. And you don't wanna know about the campus shuttle. ;D

  2. I've read about phone booths....

  3. @M. Mitchell Marmel- ...or why you needed lube to fit in.

    @TrickyRicky- I realize I date myself horribly by making a phone booth reference. Unrelated, my mother told me that if I date myself I'll go blind.

  4. TR ^2
    Yeah, me too, in Superman comics

  5. RE: Superman...
    I keep looking to see if a crystalline Superman is flying around DC; it's so Bizzaro World there and I did my due diligence as a lad, I had plenty of DC comics before Marvel was available as a more grown-up choice...

    And how the Hell do we send Mister Mxyzptlk back where he came from? We tried the "voting" method and THAT didn't work...

    Let's hope with all the "bass akwards" thinking in our Nation's Capitol, somehow, some'a them say their names backward and we are rid of a few...

    Seems a bit Beetlejuicey to me...

  6. I eschewed DC and Marvel and was raised on Mad Magazine; perhaps that’s why I view the world as satire.

  7. @Bobo- Same here, Mad Magazine then National Lampoon. Both greatly shaped my worldview.

  8. @Readers- In terms of reading material, my choice was "all of the above." DC and Marvel comics, Mad, and National Lampoon. Not to mention Creepy, Eerie, Vampirella, and Playboy. For the articles, of course.

  9. I am all in, my life was formed by reading all the Gold Key, Cracked, DC, Dell, and Mad offerings...the paperbacks really did it for me (Batboy and Ruebin etc.)
    I had comics of all kinds (well, no Archie) and when I got older Harvard and then National Lampoon...Eerie, Vampi, Little Annie Fannie, 1984 which became 1999 when...well, it became 1984! LOL
    Then there was Heavy Metal (Metal Hurlant for all you amphibians),Zap!, God Nose...all the Underground comix and here we are. I still have many copies of those those, my comic collection is mostly 1975 and earlier.
    And I still kinda collect great "modern day" stuff like Calvin and Hobbs, Day by Day, me some Johnny Optimism!

  10. Let us not forget "Lenny of Laredo".


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!