Friday, February 10, 2023


johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, obstetrician, baby, fart, apgar


  1. Thank you for this one, it appeals to my inner 12 year-old so naturally I sent it to my brother.

  2. Not gonna lie, had to google that

  3. When I saw the word "Apgar" it made me think of the western side of Glacier Park where on Lake MacDonald, in my 40's, I skipped a rock 27 times, the best of my life! Thanks for the mnemonic device.

  4. Was this before or after the traditional spanking?

    And yes, I too had to look this one up. My "learn something new everyday" moment for today, although who knows how long this one will stick to my gray matter....


  5. Yes Virginia, there is a...score?

  6. @Readers- Well there I go again, making baffling references. When we were expecting Daughter J long ago, the "APGAR score" was critically important (to us, anyway) as it's the immediate assessment of the baby's health and development only minutes after birth. Plus, APGAR is just a funny word to say (in much the same way the word "DIPTET" was funny in the movie "Raising Arizona").

  7. Medical humor, like food in N
    Korea. Not everyone gets it.
    Keep up the great work, Stilt!


  8. BTW @Stilt, I always thought "BRAAAP!" was the proper way to indicate a sizable release of flatulence. Isn't that in the Cartoonist's Rulebook?

  9. Another one who had to 'look it up'. In my defense, all I can say is that as far as I know, I am not a father.

  10. @JustaJeepGuy- According to my Don Martin Encyclopedia of Onomatopoeia, "Braaap!" is indeed the way I should have gone.

  11. Stilt,
    …and the proper response is "Dawwk" if memory serves


  12. I don't think anyone has ever outdone Don Martin at spelling sounds. He could probably spell the sound of silence.


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!