Wednesday, July 26, 2023


johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, soldier, discharge, painful discharge


  1. So the corporal may, or may not, have a corporeal problem?

  2. Or the results of corporal punishment


  3. What's painful about a DD-214?

  4. A painful discharge
    accompanied by "Garand thumb"

  5. @DougM "Garand thumb" from a Springfield? Sorry, I can't help it. (I started with a Lee Enfield.)

  6. Anon,
    You are wise in the ways of GI rifles.
    Have an M1903 and an M1903A3, myself.
    Couldn't think of any Springfield jokes, though,
    so went with the old stand-by Garand thumb

  7. @Anon and DougM- That's why I swear by my M1 carbine...or pop gun as my Dad dubbed it!


  8. The M1 carbine may be a popgun but Audie Murphy liked it. Could there be a better endorsement?

  9. Tricky & Justa,
    good recommendation.
    Got one'a 'em, too.

    And all of my GI rifles have their bayonets,
    including the Enfield

  10. @ DougM

    A GI Enfield? The M-17. A great action. Had one in the early 60's, that had the ears ground off and the floorplate straightened already. Planned on a .243W barrel. Then I changed jobs, to seismic oil exploration. Over the next six years I lived and/or worked in five different countries. Then I got married, in '69. (We're still together.) Never did get that rifle made up.

  11. @Anon- A doodlebugger, eh? We're a small club.

  12. The P-17 was based on a Mauser action not an Enfield, the Brits used it as well in .303 as the P-14, I had one of those and it was a great shooter, probably the best iron sights I've used yet but I left it with my father and he had the 'ears' ground off and a scope installed, it just wasn't the same after that and I let it go to someone else.

    The .30 carbine cartridge might be called 'weak' as opposed to a .30-06, but it wasn't intended for 500 yard use, it had a lot more power than any pistol and that's what it was meant to be used as, something better than a pistol for people who didn't need a full sized rifle. It could kill you just as dead as any .30-06, .303 or 7.92 Mauser and I for one wouldn't want to get hit by it.

  13. Oldarmourer
    The US Enfield M1917 (30-06) is based on the British model 1914 (.303)
    The US Springield M1903 (30-06) is based on a Mauser action
    Pretty sure

  14. I figured out some time back that Stilton's Place attracted folk of 'mature' years. This discussion is proving it.

    @TrickyRicky. United Geophysical, HQ Pasadena, CA. In 1963: juggie, then Junior Observer, Observer, then Playback Operator on Borneo in 1969. 1968: six months on the United Geo 1 working the Java Sea out of Singapore. A great life for a young single male. Many memories of people and places.

    @Oldarmourer and @DaveM. From an article on the history of the American Enfield, P-13, P-14 and M-17: " The cock on closing allowed for faster rates of fire than German rifles." The Mauser 'cock on raising the bolt handle' has always felt 'strange' to me. My history? First 22, Birmingham Small Arms (BSA), cock on closing. Four years in high school with the SMLE Number 1 Mark III*. The Cadet Unit shooting trophy has my name on it for 1958. Even more memories. Thanks a lot gentlemen.....

  15. Sorry, Doc, you'll have to check the Corporal's privates...


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!