Monday, February 19, 2024


johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, horseshoes, MRI, magnetism


  1. What, he doesn't just have a...

    🙂 🕶

    magnetic personality?


  2. I CT what you did there.


  3. Is there a new form of the game of horseshoes? I don't play it but I think that a new scoring system, with a "bullseye" score would have made the news somewhere. I know, I shouldn't overanalyze it. It's close enough.

  4. Dogs can't play horseshoes but cat scan.

  5. @M. Mitchell Marmel- Please refrain from making polarizing statements.

    @TrickyRicky- They love that joke in Radiology!

    @JustaJeepGuy- You know and I know that there's no "bullseye" in horseshoes, but apparently these guys didn't. Dumbasses.

    @Lee The Voice- I'm both pained and entertained thinking about what a horseshoe would do to an active (and hopefully empty) MRI machine.

    @Kent Whitehead- And we have a winner. Take any prize from the middle shelf.

    @DougM- And wearing protective goggles!


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!