Wednesday, May 29, 2013


johnny optimism, johnnyoptimism, medical humor, wheelchair, sick jokes, stilton jarlsberg, hospital humor, doctor. doctor jokes


  1. Dr. Jarlsberg,


    I'm glad I wasn't drinking a Pepsi-Cola or root beer when I saw this latest comic strip!

    Boy, you really knocked another one clear out of the park, and thus, I copied and posted it on my own web site, "OUR ETERNAL STRUGGLE", giving you full credit and linking to your web site, as always.

    Thank you so much, and please, keep 'em coming!

  2. I also e-mailed this to everybody in my address book.

    It's REALLY goooo-OOOD!

  3. Sorry, I don't think that I can make a non-political comment on this one.

  4. Agreed, TR, everything I had was pointing back to ACA, tragically.

  5. @John Robert Mallernee- Thanks, you've given my spirit a lift today! And don't worry, the cartoons will keep coming. Today I'll be uploading the cartoons which will appear throughout June, and about mid-July I'll be publishing Johnny's 500th cartoon.

    @TrickyRicky & Stan da Man- I know what you mean guys, and appreciate your restraint. And speaking of appreciating restraint, I really should add a masochist to the cast of characters...

  6. @Stilt, isn't there some kind of difference between a "masochist" and a "B&D" freak (nutcase? idiot? moron?)? Restraint is the province of the "D" type of B&D "aficionado" but not necessarily masochism--or so I've read. It's too weird for me!

  7. Hey, Billy, want to come and play?
    Can't, sorry, kinda tied up at the moment...

    Yeah, those just kinda write themselves...


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!