Friday, August 9, 2013


johnny optimism, johnnyoptimism, medical, jokes, cartoon, sick jokes, stilton jarlsberg, doctor jokes, wheelchair, pharmacist, miracle drugs


  1. One pill makes you larger. One pill makes you small. The ones this doctor gives you could do anything at all.......

  2. Copied, posted, and credited.

    I'll print a hard copy for our pharmacist.

    Gosh, gee whillikers, I wish I was as smart as Tricky Ricky!

  3. John Robert, Mee too!

    Having worked Tech Support for a major retail chain (that frequently includes Rx in stores) I have worked w/ some pharmacists that are seriously scary. Bad enough when they are having a problem and call in, but when you're trying to upgrade their equipment, and have them follow (rather basic) installation directions... some of these folks have apparently been breathing pill dust for so long that the wiring in the head has become, shall we say, unusual...
    And these same folks control life critical / highly toxic substances.
    Bottom line, take a minute and meet your local Rx, make SURE they're not one like this - I assure you, they're out there...


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!