Friday, September 30, 2016


Readers- This is a substitute for the cartoon which originally appeared here today.


  1. These clown comics are the only ones you do I have a problem with. Any chance we can see much~much less of the clown?

  2. @Dragonrider33 - I must disagree. Tickles the clown is one of the truly despicable characters in this or any other comic around. That's why he fits right in with the Johnny crowd. And now with the "creepy clown" epidemic, he's topical as well.

  3. @Dragonrider33, If you don't like what you're reading, you have the right not to read it. Try practicing some self restraint.

  4. @pdwalker

    Dragonrider33 was polite in his observation and feedback is usually appreciated by artists/writers and i assume cartoonists.

    how about you practice some self restraint.

  5. Ich... Dark, Tickles... Very dark. LOL

  6. @Dragonrider33, TrickyRicky, pdwalker, jlw, & Tots- Wow, it didn't take long for THIS cartoon to draw comments!

    First off, let me say that I do appreciate feedback from readers, even if it's negative. Though I prefer people say "man, that joke was over the line" rather than "you're a loathsome human being and should be institutionalized."

    Yes, this cartoon probably crossed the line: while Tickles main shtick is that he sounds like a child molester, this cartoon suggests that he's done more than just talk in this case. Since we're dealing with imaginary cartoon characters rather than real people, those with a really dark sense of humor (myself included) can enjoy a pained laugh. But it's also legitimate to say that this one is a bit more than you're comfortable with.

    For what it's worth, there has been less of Tickles in recent months - though he'll turn up sporadically in the future. However, I won't take him to this extreme again - it's funnier to think of him as being unsavory and all talk.

    By the way, I checked on the next 3 cartoons coming up and I think they should pass muster more easily - they're all quite mild.

  7. UPDATE- In thinking about it, I decided to pull the cartoon and go with a less offensive substitute. Those of you who were clever enough to download the appalling original cartoon now have a valuable collector's item!

  8. Rats! Now I don't have any idea what the discussion is about.


  9. @LenSatic- The original cartoon is exactly like the current one, except the third panel was a relieved Tickles the Clown saying "Pshew!"

    And yes, I still think it's funny - but then, you all know that I've got issues, right? (grin)

  10. And by "Little Husband" I'm now imaging Ken, and his missing equipment...
    Yeah, I got issues too...

  11. @Stilton Jarlsberg. Thanks for the info! I like Tickles. Then again, I hate clowns. ;)


  12. Late to the party (as usual) - I thought the original cartoon was a riot. Sorry you pulled it but you are more mature than I.

  13. @Stan da Man- I'm pretty sure ALL sex with Ken was "safe sex."

    @LenSatic- Oh, I like Tickles, too, and I'm not really going to clean him up. But I think the humor requires that there's at least some possibility that he's just all talk.

    @Bobo the Hobo- I still like the original cartoon, too - but there were certain details (like specifically saying the girl was 11) which made it just a shade too real, and that's never my goal here. Truth be told, I like the current "little husband" gag almost as well in its surreal way.

    But I wouldn't really say I pulled it because of "maturity." Rather I think there's a certain pact I have with Johnny's readers that things may get crazy, gross, tragic, and sick - but there will always be enough of a buffer that people needn't feel guilty for laughing at the jokes. That's my goal, anyway.

  14. Just noticed you yanked Tickles - I'm guessing it was some sort of PC thing. Maybe you can sub a pic of Slick Willie in his place and continue on with the perv string.

  15. @berferd- Rest assured I would NEVER pull a cartoon out of political correctness. Rather, I pulled it myself - not because it wasn't funny, but because I felt like it had somewhat crossed a self-imposed line. It's sometimes hard to gauge just where that line is when your character is wearing big clown shoes (grin).

  16. Perhaps you could change the punchline of the original, maybe "that's a relief, they usually blame the clown" or something similar, something ambigious and just on the near side of the line.

    (the original did make me laugh from the ewww factor)

  17. Aw Stilton, I didn't mean to pile on and make you pull the comic but I completely understand and agree with you.

    I like the new one too. Very nice and not as creepy. Tickles creepy factor is best left implied. Thinking he was successful instead of just creepy was... way weird. :)


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!