Wednesday, October 5, 2016


johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, baby, bath, beer, pretzels


  1. Just had the chance to catch up on your post and actions, my sincere thanks for your action. I really do love the offbeat humor hits on a par with Calvin and Hobbes and close to,as no one matches, Walt Kelly. Since your post I have hit some used book shops to look for his compilations.

  2. The pretzels are better than pickled pigs feet, I suppose. Or cigarette butts.

  3. Marinating in beer before roasting? Good idea - but don't forget to rub him down with sea salt and cracked pepper before you pop him in the oven...

  4. @Dragonrider33- I'd never put myself in the same category as Bill Watterson or Walt Kelly, but am honored to be mentioned in the same breath. Good luck finding the Walt Kelly collections - I know I've purchased some on Amazon.

    @TrickyRicky- Truly a glass half-full observation.

    @Duke of URL VFM#391- I don't think that's what Mom and Dad have in mind, but sometimes it's hard to know.

  5. "Yellow beer" shudder

  6. @John Robert Mallernee- Not to worry, it's a weird cartoon. My thought process went from: peeing in the bath = yellow, yellow + bubbles = beer, people sometimes take "salt scrubs" to exfoliate, and beer + salt = pretzels. It's kind of like algebra, and in this case maybe about as funny (grin).

  7. At least use skunk beer and stale pretzels. Don't throw the beer out with the baby.

  8. Walt Kelley's "Pogo" is being reprinted in its entire run, and is now in third volume, with the fourth due out soon.

  9. @Bobo- Waste not, want not.

    @Pogo Possum- EX-cellent!


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!