Monday, February 15, 2021


johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, winter, cold, eskimo


  1. Watch out where
    The huskies go
    And don't you eat
    That yellow snow...

  2. Francis Vincent Zappa RIP
    Be sure to check out the Zappa movie, recently released by Alex Winter. I was a proud contributor to the Kickstarter project to archive his massive vault of archival media which culminated in the movie.

    From Seinfeld..."He took IT out??!!?"

  3. Was -17F this morning in Colorado Springs.

  4. @Bruce Bleu- Evergreen was only -12F.

  5. Bruce Bleu, that -17 broke a water pipe above the ceiling at Kidde on Centennial. It didn't cause the sprinklers to come on but the leak released enough water to flood much of the building and irrigate a lot of electronic equipment.

  6. @Readers- no new cartoon today and likely not on Friday either, owing to our weather situation down here in Texas. Very sporadic electricity, and no internet service. We're having some fun now!

  7. TR, Surprising that at that elevation, and being farther north, that it wasn't colder.
    JJG, I didn't know Kidde HAD a place in Colo Spgs, (pronounced "coh low spigz"). I also didn't know you lived in, or were apprised of our goings on here.


Comments, condolences, and "Get Well" wishes are all welcomed. Please refrain from political comments - this strip has enough misery already!