Monday, September 19, 2011



Gladorn said...

I can see George Lucas' next revision of the Star Wars movies: Star Wars re-imagined as a medical malpractice incident!

Pete(Detroit) said...

As opposed to the 'entertainment abortions' the last 3 movies were? Yeesh.
"Yes, there's a special version where I run you over 6 times a minute" would make more sense..

Stilton Jarlsberg said...

@Gladorn & Pete(Detroit)- In my opinion, the original "Star Wars" movie was very good, "The Empire Strikes Back" was great (and not directed by Lucas), "Return of the Jedi" (if that was the third one - I don't care enough to look it up) was pretty feeble, and the entire "prequel trilogy" sucked beyond belief.

Even Johnny said they were "lame," and he should know.

Pete(Detroit) said...

Awww, c'mon, the opening sequence of 'Return' was awesome! Jabba's Palace? the green slave chick? Leia in the chain-mail bikini? PUH-LEEZE!!! That was AWESOME!!!!
Of course, the Ewoks deserve a special place in hell right next to JarJar Binks, and Admiral Akbar's line "It's a TRAP!" has become standard for 'stating the obvious / lame / fail'...
But hey, that's just my $.02
And full agreed on Episodes 1-3...
"Midichlorians" - FMEH!

Stilton Jarlsberg said...

@Pete- Okay, that opening sequence was good...I'd forgotten. But the Ewoks were unforgiveable.

Gladorn said...

It all comes back to the Ewoks.

ALWAYS the Ewoks.