@John Robert Mallernee- Even I enjoy the punchlines that really come out of left field. I'm frequently surprised by what happens in Johnny's world.
@Mondo- My email address is on the right side of the page under "Contact Info." You can write to me at Stilton(at)Cutcheese.com (substituting "@" for "at").
@Elise- Almost spit? I must be losing my touch. (grin)
I needed that!
I posted it on my own web site, giving you full credit (or blame?).
If you send me (mondoreb@gmail.com) your email address, I have something for you that's completely FREE!
...and who can resist that?
And no, it's not a new wheelchair for Johnny.
Mondo Frazier
I almost spit out my morning tea in laughter....and that's a good thing....
@John Robert Mallernee- Even I enjoy the punchlines that really come out of left field. I'm frequently surprised by what happens in Johnny's world.
@Mondo- My email address is on the right side of the page under "Contact Info." You can write to me at Stilton(at)Cutcheese.com (substituting "@" for "at").
@Elise- Almost spit? I must be losing my touch. (grin)
whoops, whoooaaahhh!!!! CRASH!!!!!
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