Friday, December 23, 2011



Pete(Detroit) said...

"I suggest a new strategy - let the wookie win."
- C3PO

"The first thing a gorilla will do is rip your ear off - he's trying to peel you" - B. Cosby

Actually, iirc, it was one of the signing gorillas (CoCo?) who's response to being tickled led researchers to the conclusion that they were semi-sentient / self aware, and were actually communicating via sign language, and not 'just parroting' responses...
Then again, I may be mis-remembering - LOTTA beer under that bridge...

Stilton Jarlsberg said...

@Pete(Detroit)- Gorillas are actually intelligent and taciturn, and may enjoy a good tickle...if they know you. But simply leaping out of the bushes, twitching your fingers and shouting "goochie goochie goo!" is likely to get you turned inside out.

Gladorn said...

Actually jumping out of the bushes, twiching your fingers and shouting "goochie goochie goo!" will likely to get you turned inside out by almost any mammal, not just gorillas.

Don't ask me how I know. Just learn from my mistakes.

Stilton Jarlsberg said...

@Gladorn- Thank you for sharing, and here's hoping that your bones mend soon.

Stan da Man said...

Two guys, talking on the radio -
"You know, cats don't actually USE thier front claws to fight wirh - they mostly immobilize teh opponent, and then disembowel them w/ the hind legs"
"Oh, THAT'S a skill I want in a pet - 'disembowel.' Nice kitty, GOOD kitty, cuddly kitty - NOT!"