Wednesday, May 31, 2017


johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, love bird, jiffy pop, popcorn


Stan da Man said...

Curses, foiled again!
Once you pop, you just can't stop!
hang on, be with you in a Jiffy!
Jiffy Mix, so easy a man can do it (actual ad line for jiffy muffins, or biscuits, or both)

Been caged and confused, so long it's not true - wanted a momma, never bargained for you!
That's not the burned on bits, it's just the Grey Poop-on...

Ok, think I'm done here... (as in well done, baked, put a fork in...)

Stilton Jarlsberg said...

@Stan da Man- When it comes to puns, you're a butter man than I.

TrickyRicky said...

@Stan da Man- In Johnny's world I've always tried to be a worthy foil, but this is ridiculous.

Stan da Man said...

TrickyRicky - Sorry, it just all kinda flew out at once...

Gladorn said...

@Stan da Man - You just made me loose my appetite.

Unfortunately I've already eaten...

Rod said...

@Stan: That was quite a roll. Somewhat witless on this myself; but the 'toon reminds of my Grandmother's birdcage, Tweetie the Canary, and the highest & best use for our local newspaper starting from way back when.