Friday, December 21, 2018


johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, grim reaper, christmas, santa, surprise


Kent Whitehead said...

But is that REALLY a surprise for Johnny?
The surprise does have some nice reaping paper, I must say.

Pete (Detroit) said...

Kent - pretty much MY thought...
"Reaping paper" - Noice!

Stilton Jarlsberg said...

@Kent Whitehead- This is a surprise for Johnny because of his, dare I say it, optimism. And your reference to reaping paper put a grim on my face.

@Pete (Detroit)- I'm trying to figure out how to work in a "scythe doesn't matter" joke, but can't see how. On the plus side, I think I'll steal my own joke and make it into an actual cartoon!

Glenn B said...

Have a very Merry Christmas.