Friday, April 19, 2019


johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, surgeon, tapeworm, measuring tape


M. Mitchell Marmel said...

The worm's name, of course, is "Stanley".

Kent Whitehead said...
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Kent Whitehead said...

Does the "measure twice, cut once" rule still apply?

Bruce Bleu said...

The longest "spring loaded" measuring tape worm I ever had was a 35 footer. Good thing the patient doesn't have one of those "big wheel" measuring tape worms... those things go on FOREVER!

TrickyRicky said...

Well played all. MMM, you beat me to it. I guess you have opened the possibility that the surgeon is Dr. Livingston?

TrickyRicky said...

Oops...Dr. Livingstone.