Wednesday, May 29, 2019


johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, medical book girl, polio, cancer, canceroony


M. Mitchell Marmel said...

How about Cancer-Roni? The Mayo Clinic Treat?

(As a side note, I had a PET scan for tumors last week. Pretty much clean, except for a few little bits here and there, not worth doing chemo over.)

Bobo the Hobo said...

Saving this one, Stilt ... ya know, just in case I need a giggle or two. Gotta admit, this one made me snort!

TrickyRicky said...

Or strokeit.

John Holton said...

You've outdone yourself!

sergio said...

re: Bobo -- you're gonna be Sabin this one for future giggles. If you can't find it when you want it, don't Salk about it!

Stilton Jarlsberg said...

@M. Mitchell Marmel- Congratulations on the PET scan results - though keep an eye on those "few little bits," buddy! And bonus points for your take on Cancer-Roni!

@Bobo the Hobo- It's an appallingly horrible joke, but yeah - it made me snort too.

@TrickyRicky- Wasn't that a Michael Jackson song?

@John Holton- Others might take issue with that statement, but thanks!

@sergio- Well done! Choose any prize from the top shelf.

Bruce Bleu said...

...Or in the event a diminutive actor slips something into his dates drink... a "mickeyroony"?
Stilton, could have been a Billy Squier song, or one by Michael Nesmith's guys, the (Spank The)Monkeys.

Stilton Jarlsberg said...

@Bruce Bleu- True story: I once met Mickey Rooney. I didn't say it was a long or interesting story.

M. Mitchell Marmel said...

Well, if it's Mickey Rooney, it would almost HAVE to be a short story... ;-)