If I'm not mistaken, Pogo, Albert, Churchy, and the rest of the gang called it "chunklit". That was one of my favorite "Pogoisms", along with ROWRBAZZLE!, sangwidges, and "Friday the 13th done come on a (any day but Friday) this month!" Also "Destroy a son's faith in his father, will ya?" and "Go it, Pa!"
There was a while back in the mid-'60s when you could buy a box of Spic-N-Span and get a Pogo character figure. I happen to have Albert the Alligator standing right here next to my keyboard as I type this. I wonder how many people stlll have one of these characters around...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I have to save this one! Great one, Stilt!
Them chonklit bunnies aren't gonna bite their own heads off...
Just follow the trail of empty wrappers.
So, is Tickles considered a "super spreader"?
@Ricky: He likes to think so, anyhow.
@Bobo the Hobo- Glad you liked it!
@M. Mitchell Marmel- Is your use of the word "chonklit" a deliberate reference to Walt Kelly's Pogo, or am I just hallucinating?
@Bobo- Hey, this one says "Trojans"...
@TrickyRicky- Well, he DOES have an infectious personality. Among other things.
@M. Mitchell Marmel- He's a legend in his own mind.
Same thing after Valentine's Day,
except he parks across from the unwed-mothers home
@Stilton: ROWRBAZZLE! ;-)
If I'm not mistaken, Pogo, Albert, Churchy, and the rest of the gang called it "chunklit". That was one of my favorite "Pogoisms", along with ROWRBAZZLE!, sangwidges, and "Friday the 13th done come on a (any day but Friday) this month!" Also "Destroy a son's faith in his father, will ya?" and "Go it, Pa!"
There was a while back in the mid-'60s when you could buy a box of Spic-N-Span and get a Pogo character figure. I happen to have Albert the Alligator standing right here next to my keyboard as I type this. I wonder how many people stlll have one of these characters around...
@Jeep: I remember the Pogo figures! Used to have Albert myself. I still DO have my Tony the Tiger spoon...
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