Wednesday, June 21, 2023


johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, alien, abduction, cattle mutilation, cow


DougM said...

What if there was a large population of horned space aliens back when early humans roamed Earth, but somebody started a rumor that ground alien horn was an aphrodisiac. That would explain a lot.

DougM said...

Yeah, that was a joke;
but now that I think about it,
that premise would make a good TV series

Bruce Bleu said...

RECTUM... damn near KILLED him!

TrickyRicky said...

@Bruce- I knew I should have made the effort to post that same comment last night at 11:30, but was too tired. I guess the early alien gets the rectum.

JustaJeepGuy said...

@DougM, that rumor would have been started by an old Chinese guy if anybody started it. Old Chinese guys have a loooooong list of aphrodisiacs. Ask the rapidly-diminishing populations of tigers and rhinoceroses, among others.

Bruce Bleu said...

TR, I guess it could be said, (considering the bANALity of this thread) that you were "too pooped" to contribute? Thank you, thank you... don't forget to make your waitress lean to the side, ("tip" her).

DougM said...

Now do "cow tipping"

Bruce Bleu said...

DougM, I've never been close enough to the cast of "The View" for that to be possible.